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Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso is widely acknowledged to be the most important artist of the 20th century. Picasso and his friend and fellow painter, Georges Braque pioneered the Cubism movement, a revolutionary style of modern art that Picasso formed in response to the rapidly changing modern world. Before his 50th birthday, the little Spaniard from Malaga had become the very prototype of the modern artist as public figure. No painter before him had had a mass audience in his own lifetime. Picasso said a lot of interesting things.


Woman with a Helmet of Hair

Year: 1904
Medium and support: Gouache on tan wood pulp board
Location: Art Institute of Chicago

Au Lapin Agile

Year: 1905
Medium and support: Oil on canvas
Location: Metropolitan Museum of Art

Head of a Woman (TĂȘte de femme)

Year: 1907
Medium and support: Oil on canvas
Location: The Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia